The Importance of the Battle of Koronowo in the Polish and Prussian Historiography of the 15th and 16th Century

Sławomir Zonenberg


John Dlugosz (1415–1480) gave in his Annals a triumphant assessment of the battle of Koronowo. It was consequent upon his conviction the victory was gained by Poles only, without any support (by Lithuanians, Czechs, Ruthenians and Tatars, who had taken part in the battle of Tannenberg). However, his assessment was not accepted by the majority of the Polish chroniclers of the 15th and 16th century. Whereas, as to the Teutonic Order`s chroniclers, since the very beginning the tendency had appeared to marginalize the importance of the battle of Koronowo and subsequently to make no mention thereof altogether. These chroniclers tend obviously to minimize the defeat of Tannenberg also (probably unsuccessfully though), and to show that it was the only defeat in the war waged against Poles. Undoubtedly, the reason for such a proceeding was of politics and propaganda nature. On the other hand, the absence of the battle of Koronowo in the majority of the Prussian chroniclers of the 16th century was apparently due to its not having been mentioned by Simon Grunau (born ca 1460 – died after 1529/1530) excerpted at length at the time. Few of them who did present the battle of Koronowo, and did make use of Dlugosz, had not, nevertheless, accepted the latter`s triumphant assessment of the battle in question.


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