London’s Sins. General Władysław Sikorski and the London Government in the Opinion of a Soldier and Writer — Paweł Jasienica. The Evolution of Views

Arkadiusz Kierys


Paweł Jasienica is one of the most widely read historical writers, who became famous for the publication of his history of the former pre-partition Polish Commonwealth. He was also a soldier participant in the 1939 September Campaign, a Home Army and anti-communist guerrilla soldier. At the beginning of his journalistic career he worked for “Tygodnik Powszechny” — a metropolitan curia organ — where he used to write polemic articles in defence of the Republic of Poland (1918-1939) and Polish emigration authorities commonly criticised by regime papers. As a conspiracy participant he was loyal to the oath sworn to the legal government in London impersonated by the prime minister and the Commander-in-Chief General Władysław Sikorski.

Initially, Sikorski belonged to the closest associates of Józef Piłsudski; he was creating Polish Legions during the First World War and was one of the chief commanders during the Polish-Bolshevik war in 1920. He also performed political functions: the prime minister and the minister for military matters in the initial period of the formation of the Republic of Poland. He moved to Piłsudski’s opposition after the May Coup in 1926.

Jasienica divided the history of the Polish emigration government into two periods: from its formation in September 1939 till December 1941 — when there were still chances for direct agreement with Moscow on the border, and the period of 1942-1945, when this chance — not having been used before — did not exist anymore and the Polish government ceased to play any role in the policy of the Allies. Jasienica’s conclusion was the following:

Sikorski, a critic of the pre-war sanation, carried out, in fact - as the London government leader - a similar international policy - the policy of the unrestricted trust in the West allies. And this was his main mistake.


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