Methodology through a cultural lens. The Poznań Approach to Philosophy of Humanities Against Alternative Meta-Methodological Orientations

Jarosław Boruszewski, Krzysztof Nowak-Posadzy


The article discusses the heritage and prospects of the Poznań approach to philosophy of humanities. It focuses on the meta-methodological questions and demonstrates the Poznań Methodological School in general, and the culturalistic programme of methodology in particular, against the background of rival meta-methodological orientations. In the introductory remarks the authors sketch the intellectual background of the Poznań Methodological School (section 1) and then take up the diachronic approach to methodology (section 2) as well as the synchronic approach (section 3) in order to contrast the Poznań Methodological School with other programmes. This enables to arrive in the concluding remarks at the basic meta-methodological characteristics of the Poznań approach to philosophy of humanities and the culturalistic programme of methodology (section 4).

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