European Idea of the University. To What Extent is it a Model for the Polish Higher Education Act of 2011?

Dominik Kubicki


Having taken into consideration cultural and civilizational fundaments of the European West as well as the recognition of Poland’s melting into the Western civilization together with its value of creative undertakings (prototypes of principles and socio-communal rights) in the sphere of social organization or functioning — the author focuses on the importance of several dimensions of the consequences both included in and stemming from the European idea of the University. He thereby presents them to those analyzing the Higher Education Act of 2011 in Poland, simply due to the fact that at some points in history the very concept of the university requires rethinking, especially with respect to the question of what is and what should the university be in itsessence, and by extension also science itself, in view of the state and nation together with a two-way relation of ministerial structures’ servitude to the scientific environment.

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