A Statement: “Intelligent People Do Not Eat Anything That Has Got Eyes;” a Reply: “Tenderloin Does Not Have Any.” Selected Aporias of Posthuman Ethics

Małgorzata Kowalcze


The paper aims at analysing selected elements of the posthuman ethics enunciated by two significant exponents of posthumanism, Cary Wolfe and Jane Bennett. Their projects are based on a non-anthropocentric ontology which gives rise to expanding the definition of the ethical subject and ethical relation. According to Wolfe ethicality exceeds the human domain and enfolds the whole of the animal sphere which in itself constitutes an intra-species community. The author believes that in order to frame more inclusive and just ethics it is crucial to subvert the human-animal distinction, which engenders speciesm. Attributing the ability to form relationships not only to the animate beings, but to the inanimate ones as well, Jane Bennett posits a much more extensive interpretation of ethics. Since all the beings, including humans, form an interrelated community, the hitherto operating notions of individual agency and independent subject are questioned. The paper lists a number of aporias present in both scholars’ projects. The most significant of them are: the unjustified transition from ontological assumptions to ethical principles as well as the ambiguous status of humans in the world and resulting vagueness of moral principles they are obliged to adhere to. The author of the article analyses the meaning of the dialogue included in its title, expressing her doubts about the consistency of chosen hypotheses as well as practical aspects of posthuman ethics.


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