Two Amali Triads and Georges Dumézil - Can Jordanes’s Getica Reflect the Tripartite Ideology of the Indeo-European Societies?

Robert Kasperski


The main aim of this paper is to analyze the text of Jordanes’s Getica in the context of Georges Dumézil tripartite ideology and to argue that the two triads of Amals (Valamer—Thiudimer—Vidimer and Thiudimer—Theoderic—Vidimer) can reflect three functions. Our examination of Jordanes’s narration shows that the first person in both triads—the kings Valamer and Th iudimer—can be regarded as representants of sovereignty. Also the function of warrior can be reflected by the second person—Thiudimer and Theoderic—of both triads. The question arises whether the third function can be ascribed to Vidimer? Vidimer’s role as servant of his brothers hardly fulfills the third function, connected mainly with fertility and fecundity in Dumézil’s tripartite ideology. This issue can be yet resolved by comparing Vidimer to the role of two heroes of Mahabharta, the brothers Nakula and Sahedeva, who are in Dumézil’s view representant of the third function. Like Vidimer they are no strictly connected with fertility, but they are servants of their elder brothers. If readiness to serve according to Dumézil can be located within the sphere of the third function, so we can place there the person of Vidimer as well.

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