Vol 24, No 3 (2016)

Table of Contents

Contents PDF


The Main Assumptions of Robin George Collingwood’s Metaphysics and Philosophy of History
Karol Barczyk
The Philosophy of History (trans. K. Barczyk)
Robin George Collingwood


The Critique of Historical Reason in Johann Gustav Droysen’s “Outline of History”
Mateusz Bonecki, Anna Malitowska
Stuart Hall’s „Encoding and Decoding Model” Applied in the Theories of Communication
Andrzej Bełkot
Some Chosen Convivial Threats Contributing to Metaliterature
Andrzej Muchowicz
The Relations of the Teutonic Order to Franciscans of the Borussia’s Custodia till 1466. Part One: The Relations till the end of 13th Century
Sławomir Zonenberg
Between Literary and Film Narration — Reflections on Meir Ezofowicz Assimilation Discourse, Dialogical Discourse, Conservative Discourse, Self-Hatred
Daria Mazur
The Development of Laboratory Diagnostics in the Polish Academic Centers till 1939. Part I. Partition of Poland
Katarzyna Klimasz, Przemysław Tomasik
Academic Careers of Women in People Republic of Poland. Female-Historians, Independent-Researchers in the Newly Created Universities
Jolanta Kolbuszewska
Pasts into Present: Ideology, Memory, and Monuments in Communist and Post-communist Romania PDF
Claudia-Florentina Dobre
Instruments of the Russian Policy in the Syrian Conflict — Part I
Paweł Bielicki


The Lesser Writings — Albeit not Valued Less. On Humanists’ Sorceries by Jerzy Kmita (Part II)
Marcin Kafar, Michał Rydlewski


Grzegorz Marian Kotlarski (1936–2015): Historian and Man of Action
Edward Jeliński


Timothy Snyder, Czarna ziemia. Holokaust jako ostrzeżenie [Black Earth. The Holocaust as History and Warning], trans. B. Pietrzyk, Znak Horyzont, Kraków 2015
Monika Jania


Pessimism of Contradictory Thesis and What’s Next? Some Comments on “Recent History Researchers Forum” (Warsaw, 10 December 2016)
Andrzej Czyżewski

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