For authors and reviewers


Form for Reviewers

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Each article that has been pre-approved by the Editorial board is reviewed by two Reviewers who are not employed  by the institution that employs the Author of the article.

At least a half of Reviewers are neither members of the Editorial board, nor employed in the institution that employs the Editor in chief of the journal.

Articles written in foreign languages are reviewed by at least one Reviewer who is employed in foreign institution based in a country, which is not the homeland of the Author of the article. The article is proofread by the native speaker — it also refers to translations from foreign languages into Polish.

The reviewing process follows the rules of double-blind review procedure — Authors and Reviewers remain anonymous to each other. In some cases the Reviewer is obliged to declare that the reviewing does not entail the conflict of interests (the conflict of interests is understood as a close personal relationship between Reviewer and the Author, any dependency in professional relationships, or direct cooperation during the last two years.

Reviewers use the reviewing form.

The review contains an explicit conclusion concerning the acceptance or rejection of the article. Authors are informed about the conclusion of the review immediately after obtaining the review from the Reviewer.

The reviewing form is available at the journal online site.

Names of the Reviewers of particular articles or particular volumes are not disclosed.

Reviewers names are published once a year in the final volume for the particular year and at the online site of the journal.


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The publisher does not pay Authors any fee, though the publisher may decide to do that in special cases.

The articles published in the hard copy volumes of the journal are also available on journal online sites: both Polish

and English

under Creative Commons 4.0 license.



All submissions should be made online: 




File format: Articles ought to be submitted in one of the following formats: *.doc, *.docx, *.odt or *.rtf. 

Length: the length of the submitted article should not exceed one editorial sheet (that is: 40.000 signs – including spaces).

Text formatting: submitted papers should be written in Times New Roman (size 11 or 12) and use 1.0 or 1.5 spacing. Please avoid any special types of formatting.

Footnotes: footnotes ought to clearly adhere to a specific citation style. The preferred citation style is the traditional one. The Harvard citation style is also possible.

Illustrations: any illustrations, pictures etc. should be included in a separate file (at least 1MB).

Special fonts: special fonts such as Greek, phonetic notation etc. should be attached in a separate file. 

Summary and key words: it is necessary to enclose separate files containing a summary and key words — both in Polish and English. 

Information about the author: please attach short dossier about the author that includes information concerning: a) degree/title, b) workplace/affiliation, c) research interests, d) the most important publications, e) email address.

The list of the cited works: the submission has to include a separate file with the list of cited literature consistent with the requirements of POL-index citations database:

A) For papers published in journals: last name and first name of the author, year, title of the article, title of the journal, volume, pages.

B) For monographs: last name and first name of the author, year, title of the book, place of publication, publisher.

Copyright: the Author sends explicit declaration that 1) the submitted paper is authentic, original and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, 2) the publication of the paper does not violate any legal rights of third party. 

Acknowledgements: the Author is obliged to inform about the fact that the publication is a result of a research grant, donated research project or is a result of cooperation with a person or an institution.

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