Vol 2 (2011)

Table of Contents

Contents PDF


Coming to Terms with the Past and Ethical Dilemmas. Two Case Studies (The Reader by Bernar Schlink and Revised edition by Peter Esterhazy) PDF
Rafał Stobiecki
The Substitute Testimony PDF
Maciej Bugajewski
Historian an Investigating Magistrate. Carlo Ginzburg’s “Circumstantial Paradigm” Marginalia PDF
Karolina Polasik
Two Amali Triads and Georges Dumézil - Can Jordanes’s Getica Reflect the Tripartite Ideology of the Indeo-European Societies? PDF
Robert Kasperski
Social Production of the Past. Archaeology of Reactivated Matter PDF
Anna Zalewska
Between the Historiography of Science and the Culture of Researcher Communities. On the Forms of Dialogue with the Past in Scientific Communities PDF
Jaromir Jeszke


Crimea—the Ukrainian Point of View. History and the Present Time PDF
Grzegorz Skrukwa
Magic Journey of Serbian Subjects of Traditional Birth Ceremony. Theoretical Assumptions PDF
Joanna Rękas

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