O (nie)obecności dyskursu postzależności w historii szkolnej

Dominika Staszczyk


Cultural wars have never ceased to exist in humanistic studies; they have become a phenomenon we can experience at first-hand, an everyday practice. The experiences of Polish history and social life in the recent decade have allowed us to put forward a thesis that different cultures, languages, values and rivaling projects for the future coexist in the nation. In such a background, the problem of coping with the oppressive, disparaging and undying experience of the past dependence (Polish post-dependence discourse) makes an even clearer appearance. This syndrome of the returning past, along with unreconciled memory, is becoming vaguer, less distinct when juxtaposed with the intricacies of post-modernism. Reality floods us with a sea of perspectives which coexist on different levels with reparation and identity strategies. The search for answers to the question of their relation with post-dependency [further: post-dependence discourses and narrations] and post-modernism, compels us to acknowledge that the present, aside from being anchored in history, its cultural context, has also a temporal dimension, which, nowadays, is “punctual”, i.e. nonlinear, noncyclical. The form of existence is thus, no longer guaranteed. The picture drawn is now impossible to ignore, also in the background of the pending discussions which swirl around curriculum changes (a new core curriculum in history teaching). This paper aims at presenting the main indicatives of Polish post-dependence discourse (narration matter and language/languages, conceptual apparatus). The problems presented will serve as premises for the search for answers to the following questions: To what extent the new core curriculum is open to their social, cultural and educational
deposit (history in dialogue/dialogue of history, memory/post-memory)? What are the elements of binding of school narration (and what could they be)? Are they open for the problem of narration subjectivity and perspective? To what extent are didactic norms superseded by social involvements and obligations? How do we draw from the
reservoirs of identity and historical memory? How is the historical culture shaped (and how can it be shaped)? Post-dependency shall be seen here as a situation occurring after the fall of communism in Poland (after 1989), and as a condition of the modern culture (including historical culture).

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