Przypisy tłumacza, czyli kilka uwag o przekładzie Relacji historycznej o Polsce Gasparda de Tende’a
In this short paper I present some of the problems in translating the 17th-century historical sources such as Relation historique de la Pologne written by Gaspard de Tende. The first question that I discuss refers to the archaic language of the original text: whether it is necessary to keep it in the Polish version. In the second point I consider what kind of specific competences are demanded in translating the 17th-century documents. Presenting some examples I try to show that early
modern French is very similar to contemporary one. In consequence, someone who is experienced in translating only 20th-century texts can also successfully translate de Tende’s book. Next, I emphasize that generally his style is very clear and transparent, but some phrases are complex. In such cases a translator has to find a golden mean between fidelity to the original text and its correctness in the Polish version. Finally, I indicate some more specific problems, e.g. how to translate
the ‘Moscovites’ (“Rosjanie”? “Moskowici”? “Moskale”?) or who was named by de Tende “Ulric Zolner”.
modern French is very similar to contemporary one. In consequence, someone who is experienced in translating only 20th-century texts can also successfully translate de Tende’s book. Next, I emphasize that generally his style is very clear and transparent, but some phrases are complex. In such cases a translator has to find a golden mean between fidelity to the original text and its correctness in the Polish version. Finally, I indicate some more specific problems, e.g. how to translate
the ‘Moscovites’ (“Rosjanie”? “Moskowici”? “Moskale”?) or who was named by de Tende “Ulric Zolner”.
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