Powrót eteryczności wypieranej. O wciąż żywej idei Europy Środkowej w ćwierćwiecze jej ostatniego uśmiercenia
The aim of the article is to consider the condition of Central Europe as one of the political-cultural circles of the continent at a quarter of a century since the countries of the region initiated their system transformation as well as in the face of deep contemporary changeovers taking place in Europe and worldwide. This transition will pose a background for a couple of questions developed in the subsequent points: firstly, recurring tendency to kill symbolically Central Europe as an idea; secondly, inclination to treat the countries of the region as the West (possibly: almost the West), sometimes appearing on a wave of integration progress; thirdly, the problems these countries have creating a platform for common political actions; fourthly, an attempt at finding this communality within the frames of one of the future — for Central Europe: definitely negative — scenarios.
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