Sens bytu ludzkiego w antropologii integralnej Mieczysława Alberta Krąpca

Andrzej Sołtys


In the context of the discrepancies in the philosophical explanation of human existence, were put forward the postulate integral anthropology. This postulate is particularly important in the context of discrepancies in understanding the meaning of human being. This work reconstructs the concept of integral anthropology of the creator of the Lublin School of Philosophy Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec. This concept is analysed in terms of making visible the ontological reasons that constitute being reasons the sense of human life. Krąpiec argued that the category of the meaning of human life is then a philosophical category, when the human being is holistically analysed in its actual conditioned existence. Then we recognize that the ontical reason for the sense of human being is to update the potentiality of person. Such potentialities in each unit are partially different, hence their realization in individual human existence is likewise partly different. The meaning of human being in the integral anthropology of M. A. Krąpiec is analogical.

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