Z Zachodu na Wschód i z powrotem. Horyzonty aksjologiczne w polskich reportażach literackich

Monika Wiszniowska


Wojciech Jagielski (Wszystkie wojny Lary [All Lara’s wars], Na wschód od Zachodu [To East from West]), Bartosz Jastrzebski and Jędrzej Morawiecki (Krasnojarsk Zero [Krasnojarsk Zero], Cztery Zachodnie staruchy [Four west old women]) — are the authors whose interest is directed to East. The target of their literature journalism — to bring the variety of Russian , Afghan, Pakistan or India culture close to the readers — is important but is only one from many of our authors intensions. Moreover, what is not seldom for journalists, it is the tale about the “different” world, the reality not known for the reader. The authors of the books listed above are found of human being and his psychical exploration. Together with the reporters. Following our authors the reader meets many heroes, who are looking for the answers, referring to the essence of humanity, position of human being against fate, sense of life, love or happiness, as they exist in the culture, religions or traditions of the East. They reconstruct the histories of people excluded and their efforts to prove the sense of their existence. The significance of these publications relate not only to the conflict between “sacrum” and “profanum” or meeting of two worlds — modern and traditional. This type of journalism is also an important voice when discussing the problematics of “new spirituality.” Its value depends on the fact that the authors have to face their own system of value. Very interesting effect creates the collision of their way of thinking — very western, and knowledge about the East with the gamut of questions referring to metaphysics. This way they take part in the discussion about the crisis of western values, so important today.

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