Między pamięcią a historią. Przypadek historii rodzinnych

Violetta Julkowska


The article deals with the problem of family histories, which are understand and consider here in double sense. Firstly, as a sort of private story, whose subject is history of the family and people writing it are not often professional historians.
In this meaning, family history is a record of memory defined as communicative memory.Second meaning of family histories, refers to understand them as specific kind of historical writing, on the verge of oral historyand private history. In this meaning family history by such authors as Maria Czapska or Edward Raczyński from record of communicative memorytransforms in private history, about what decides the presence of various historical sources, which authors convert in their historical narration, placing them in wider cultural context of several periods. Chosen examples illustrate and explain both meaning senses of family histories,
and moreover, additionally introduce the weft of postmemoryin modifi ed and widen meaning beyond sense used by Marianne Hirsch.

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