Koniunkcje historii i literatury w perspektywie zwrotu lingwistycznego i rosyjskiego postmodernizmu. Przypadek Małego palca Buddy Wiktora Pielewina

Tomasz Nakoneczny


The article presents Viktor Pielevin’s of the Little Finger of Budda as a case of radical revealing cultural of roots of great historical narrations. That radicalism just, in combination with the proficiency at using language of the popular culture, seems to open the new communications prospect before the historical thinking. Prospect including forms, from one side, formed of the discourse (literary, historical, Community) along with his standards and institutions and — from the other side — recipient willing to the defiance of traditional modes of the reading, disposed if not suspiciously, it at least critically (nonconformist), but first of all orientated to the reception desk of the written story in credible for oneself tongue.

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