Dwa bieguny ukraińskiej politycznej konstrukcji: Donbas i Galicja. Problem wewnętrznego mitotwórstwa: banderowcy contra bandyci

Marta Studenna-Skrukwa


The article is devoted to the problem of inter-regional common stereotypes in contemporary Ukrainian state. In the first part the author argues that there are two models of writing about Ukrainian past, none of which is conducive to the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation. As far as the fi rst one refers to the achievements of pre-1917 Ukrainian historiography, the second one relates to the Marxist model of history of Ukraine. On the basis of these patterns of interpretation of history,
formed two types of regional consciousness in two opposite regions in Ukraine. It’s about Galicia and the Donbas, two regions, which pretend to be the center of Ukraine and create a proper concept of Ukraine. In subsequent section the author
briefly characterizes these projects, highlighting the most significant differences between them. At the same time the author points out that these projects, despite the extreme opposites, do not play a greater role in daily life and do not exclude the possibility of an agreement between members of the communities within they arise. Th ey are activated only in moments of political crisis, and often become the subject
of pre-election game. The core part of the article focuses on the characteristics of inter-Ukrainian stereotypes and on the analysis of their causes.

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