Eksport towarów i inwestycje polskich przedsiębiorstw w Rosji i na Ukrainie przed i po kryzysie finansowym z 1998 r.

Dariusz Grala


The main objective of his paper is foreign trade and foreign direct investment between Poland and Russia and Ukraine in period 1992–2006. Before Russian crisis in 1998 the position of polish firms on russian market be established, particularly in sale some of consumer products (low processed commodities). Polish trade partners and Polish goods had in Russia a good reputation. Similar process took place in economic relations with Ukraine which with big problem to extricates from transformation recession. The market position of Polish firms was unstable of its competitors, because
eastern markets characterized with high uncertainty and high risk for business. Unfortunately polish capitals (FDI) in Russia were very small. Despite recession, Ukrainian market for polish enterprises was more attractive for long term investment. During crisis in 1998 polish private firms lost Russian market. In the first 5 years after Russian crisis, when it was attained to stable economic growth in Russia, federal government applied neo-mercantilism policy. The polish firms arrived sales level before financial crisis when was enlarged European Union in 2004.

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