Warto wzbogacić kategorie dyskusji

Marcin Kula


In author belief the University should bring some value added in to discussions taking place in Poland on the Jewish matter. They often roll around the evaluation’s fault and aim at pronouncing a symbolic sentence. Unfortunately they resemble an argument court, had at establishing in general, that when somebody is making a profit, somebody else is losing it. Meanwhile the University isn’t a court, especially
isn’t a historical court. Justifying or accusing isn’t our role. Identifying the phenomenon is our role (at least a truth often very diagnosis is providing one of staying pages in the dispute with arguments). Understanding the phenomenon and assisting understanding are further lines through other. We aren’t allowed to repeat neither of the most widespread theses only because are frequent, neither we should not be driven by an aspiration to defense of the dignity or/and national pride. For moral reasons the college community should protest in case of universally recognized phenomena too reprehensible, but delivering to information is her basic task, of knowledge, and straightening out means of thinking towards the meaning
— even if in the arts the result in the huge scope will always remain diverse.

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