Wiecznie w drodze. Dziennik namalowany

Anna Kramm


This excerpt comes from the paper Lapili. Stepping beyond the threshold of artistic innovation in the dialog between tradition and novelty. It’s a kind of study that takes on different forms, just like a picture, sculpture or any other form in fine arts is a space for artistic expression of its creator. This space contains ambiguous references to culture and history. It’s become a rule that journey is used as a metaphor for human life and travelling is about being on the move, learning, seeing, getting closer. And it’s not numerous destinations but curiosity that drives us to the end of our journey while the source of this powerful curiosity lies in motivation. It should be noted that the instinct of curiosity, of searching for novelty, and the
fascination with the unknown make for the lifestyle that implies a certain worldview or philosophy. It implies that the world we live in and that we experience is worth something.
I have opened myself up to the idea of remaining forever on the road, of journeying, learning about the world, getting to knowmyself better, growing up and changing who I am, while the knowledge and experience of the world gained through travelling have changed the way I view the world. Th is is the title I’ve given to the first part, which is a painted diary. It’s an attempt to describe that which has already been organized in my memory. An artist travels unlike a tourist. Travelling is for him a journey in search of an inspiration and intellectual stimulation. Travelling can be seen as a way of learning. Knowledge stems from observation, which is studying, and being on the move becomes a method of scientific moving about in the world, the world in which observation is a paradigm of learning, for which it is necessary to ‘be there’.
My journey has one aim — to discover and see anew, to make new associations and memorize: ‘[…] hope that something amazing will happen there… otherwise we only shelve our ambitions because we know very well what we’d like to discover and be enchanted by’. Travelling, searching for new places, learning about the world in the process and taming new territories facilitate creativeperceptionand give
inspiration; however our memory remains enclosed in our private and subjective experience of the world. From the perspective of journey,learningis a structure of my paintings.

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